Invited TalksCentre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES), "Race and Medicine," Paris, France, 14 June 2024.
Tsinghua University, "Traditions and Trajectories of Gender and Science," Beijing, China, 28 May 2024. Harvard University Critical Health Humanities Seminar (virtual), “Drug”, 28 March 2024. University of Essex, Keynote Address at Conference on “Constructs: Exchanges Between STS and Sociology,” “Durability: Trading Zones Across STS and Sociology,” Essex, UK, 7 December 2023. Science Summit at United Nations General Assembly (virtual), “Capacity Building Through Interdisciplinarity: Inroads to Policy Innovation,” 15 September 2023. University of Johannesburg (virtual), “Reproductive Justice: Serena Williams’ Birth Story,” 17 May 2023. British Society for History of Pharmacy (virtual), “Situated Histories and Hopes in South African Pharmaceutical Knowledge Production,” 15 May 2023. University College London Health Mind and Society Seminar, “Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States,” London, UK, 7 March 2023. Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies, “Longed for still: Antiracism, uncaging, and modes of breathing together,” Sydney, Australia, 15 February 2023. Lecture at launch of Global Pharmaceutical and Society Studies Network (virtual), “Social Pharmaceutical Innovation – examples from South Africa,” 9 February 2023. Médecins Sans Frontières Manson Group, “Inextricable Efficacies: Pharmaceuticals as Material, Social, Political,” London, UK, 27 January 2023. Australasian Science and Technology Studies Network (AusSTS), Keynote Address, “Current Generativities in Feminist, Antiracist, and Decolonial STS,” Melbourne, Australia, 28 July 2022. Stellenbosch University, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, "Indexing Pharmaceutical Knowledge-Making: Synthesizing Hope through South African Drug Discovery," Stellenbosch, South Africa, 10 May 2022. Johns Hopkins University, Department of the History of Medicine, “Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States,” Baltimore, MD, 12 April 2022. Georgia Tech, IMPACT Speaker Series, Scheller College of Business, “Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States,” Atlanta, GA, 3 November 2021. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Science, Technology, and Society, “Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States,” Cambridge, MA, 1 November 2021. Linköping University Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) (virtual), “Failures of Biomedical Preparedness amid Enduring Anti-Black Racism, 2001-2020,” September 22, 2021. Keynote Speaker at Workshop on “Anthropology of Hormones,” Edinburgh University (virtual), June 4, 2020. “Biopolitics of Race and Health in 21st Century America,” Harvard University, STS Circle, November 18, 2019. “Knowledge from the South,” joint seminar with Salla Sariola, Medical Anthropology Seminar Series, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, October 30, 2019. “Synthesizing Hope: Matter, Knowledge, and Place in South African Drug Discovery,” University of Cambridge, World History Seminar, October 17, 2019. “Redrawing the Global Map of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacture: Conditions of Possibility and Constraints in South Africa,” Arizona State University, School for the Future of Innovation and Society, September 12, 2019. “Pharmaceutical Hopes in the Shadows of the Dynamite Factory” University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Centre for Medical Anthropology (EdCMA) Annual Lecture, March 8, 2019 “The Flint Water Crisis and the Differential Protection of Machines Over Racialized Human Life,” University of Amsterdam, Ir/relevance of Race Seminar Series, October 29, 2018. “Synthesizing Hope: Matter, Knowledge, and Place in South African Drug Discovery,” University of Johannesburg, Workshop on Medicine and Trade, Funded by the Wellcome Trust, May 2018. “Heart Sense: Design as a Catalyst for Feminist Reflections on Embodiment,” with Nassim JafariNaimi, University of Michigan, Stamps School of Art and Design, University of Michigan, December 2017. “HIV and the Elusive Hope for South African Drug Discovery,” Gender, HIV, and Sexualities Seminar Series, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, May 24, 2017. “Materializing Pharmaceutical Information in South Africa,” Biomedical Objects in Africa Workshop, Critical Global Health Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 3, 2017. “Materializing Intellectual Property,” Culture, Medicine and Power Series, Department of Global Health & Social Medicine, Kings College London, London, UK, November 24, 2016. “Non/Racial Imaginaries and South African Drug Discovery,” Race and Difference Colloquium, James Weldon Johnson Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, September 12, 2016. “Queering Endocrine Disruption,” Science Studies Symposium, Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, February 19, 2016. “Synthesizing Hope: Global Health, Postcolonial Science, And South African Drug Discovery,” Medical Humanities Seminar, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER), The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 29, 2015. “Medicating Race,” Spelman College, Advanced Biochemistry: Race and Genetics, in conjunction with Spelman Social Justice Fellows Program, Atlanta, GA, November 11, 2014. “South African Drug Discovery: Global Health and Postcolonial Science” Sydney Ideas, co-presented with the Biopolitics of Science Network and the Race and Ethnicity in the Global South Laureate Program, Sydney University, August 8, 2013. “Medicating Race” San Francisco State University Health Equity Institute, San Francisco, CA, May 20, 2013. “Heart Feminism” University of California-Davis, Cultural Studies (cosponsored by the Center for Science and Innovation Studies, the Program in Science and Technology Studies, the Davis Humanities Institute, the Department of Pharmacology, and the Asian Pacific American Cultural Politics Research Group), Davis, CA, May 2, 2013. “Medicating Race” Institute for Liberal Arts and James Weldon Johnson Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, February 28, 2013. “Places of Pharmaceutical Knowledge-Making: Global health, Postcolonial Science, and South African drug discovery” History of Science, Medicine and Technology Colloquium Series, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, February 21, 2013. “How does it Matter Who Makes Knowledge and Where?: Postcolonial Contexts and Global Networks of South African Drug Discovery” Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, July 31, 2012. “Race and Medicine: Toward Ethical Noninnocence” Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process, Goldsmiths College, University of London, September 26, 2011. “Big Pharma Stagnant and Dynamic: Transforming the Critique” STS Circle, Harvard University, December 6, 2010. “On the Commercial Failure of BiDil: The Appeals and Unpalatabilities of the Drug for ‘Heart Failure in Self-Identified Black Patients’” Institute for Science and Society Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, April 15, 2010. “Pharmaceutical Failures: Torcetrapib, BiDil, and Resistances to the Saturation of American Publics with Drugs” Institute of Social Sciences Biopolitics of Science Seminar Series, University of Sydney, February 25, 2010. “There’s a Pill for That!: Grappling with the Durable Appeal of the Slavery Hypothesis for African American Hypertension” Science in Human Culture Lecture Series, Northwestern University, Jaunary 30, 2009. “Medicating Race: Thiazide, Hypertension, and Durable Preoccupations with Difference” Science and Technology Studies Colloquium, University of California – Davis, 2007. Invited CriticismCritic, Author Meets Critics Panel for 4S Fleck Prize Winning Book, Wild Experiment: Feeling Science and Secularism After Darwin. Society for Social Studies of Science, Honolulu, HI, November 2023.
Critic, Authors Meet Critics Panel on Feminist, Decolonial, Indigenous STS, Reinventing Hoodia by Laura Foster and Molecular Feminisms by Deboleena Roy. Society for Social Studies of Science, New Orleans, LA, September 2019. Critic, Author Meets Critics Session for Marsha Rosengarten’s HIV Interventions: Biomedicine and the Traffic Between Information and Flesh British Sociological Association: Medical Sociology Annual Conference, Chester, UK, September 2011. Book Forum Panelist, Hannah Landecker’s Culturing Life: How Cells Became Technologies Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Indianapolis, IN, October 2010. Critic, Author Meets Critics Session for Jill Fisher’s Medical Research for Hire: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Clinical TrialsAmerican Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, August 2010. Critic, Author Meets Critics Session for Jeremy Greene’s Prescribing By Numbers: Drugs and the Definition of Disease Society for Social Studies of Science, Washington, D.C., October 2009. Conference Presentations
"Angiotensin: Analysing layered bio/medical engagements toward antiracism analysis," Society for Social Studies of Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 2023.
“Toward decolonising histories of medicine: Five principles for developing decolonial pedagogy.” American Association for the History of Medicine Sigerist Circle, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2023. “Aspirations Otherwise: From ‘Big Pharma versus Nelson Mandela’ to the South African mRNA Hub” Society for Social Studies of Science, Cholula, Mexico, December 2022. “’All we have to do is take the vaccine’: Racializing Vaccine Hesitancy, Obscuring Ongoing Inequalities” Society for Social Studies of Science, Toronto (virtual), October 2021. "Serena Williams' Birth Story: Questioning Surveillance, Demanding Care, " 4S/EASST, Prague (virtual), August 2020. “In the Shadows of the Dynamite Factory,” African Studies Association, Boston, MA, November 2019. “Dynamite,” for Workshop on Glossing Over Things: Objects and Methods, Society for the History of Technology, Milan, Italy, October 2019. “Pool Parties, Police Violence, and Viral Videos as Technologies of Race,” Society for Social Studies of Science, New Orleans, LA, September 2019. “The Rainbow Nation at the Bench: Inter/national Aspirations for South African Drug Discovery Science,” Section on Science, Knowledge, Technology, Invited Panel on Science and the State American Sociological Association, New York, NY, August 2019. “Reimagining Cyborg Feminism in a Postcolonial Synthetic Chemistry Lab,” Feminists in Science, Technology, and Society (FISTS) Task Force Sponsored Panel, National Women’s Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, Nov 2018. “Science After Apartheid: Trans/national Aspirations for Science for a Democratic South Africa,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Sydney, Australia, August 2018. “Heart Sense: Experiments in Design as a Catalyst for Feminist Reflections on Embodiment,” with co-author Nassim JafariNaimi Design Research Society (DRS), Limerick, Ireland, June 2018. "Heart Time: Reflections on Physiology and Embodiment," with co-author Nassim JafariNaimi, Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA), Tempe, AZ, Nov 2017. "In the Shadows of the Dynamite Factory: Material and Social Legacies of Extraction for Pharmaceuticals in South Africa," Society for History of Technology (SHOT), Philadelphia, PA, Oct 2017. "Pharmaceuticals, Health, and Citizenship in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina," Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Boston, MA, Sept 2017. “Apartheid Legacies and Hope in South African Drug Discovery” International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro, July 2017. ‘African Solutions for African Problems’: Exploring Place in Synthetic Drug Discovery,” National Women’s Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, November 2016. “A Synthetic Chemistry Site for Feminist Postcolonial Theorizing” Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Barcelona, Spain, September 2016. “‘An opportunity to put the country on the research map’: Place and South African Drug Discovery,” Innovation, transformation and sustainable futures in Africa, Dakar, Senegal, June 2016. “Exploring Place in South African Drug Discovery,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Denver, CO, November 2015. “Hope in Synthesis: iThemba Pharmaceuticals and Dreams of South African Drug Discovery” Dreaming of Health and Science in Africa, Cambridge, UK, June 2015. “Africanizing Synthetic Chemistry?: Hope in Drug Discovery ‘by and for’ Africa” Africanizing Technology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, March 2015. “Flow Chemistry and the Temporalities of South African Pharmaceutical Production” American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, December 2014. “Making Molecules and Scientific Careers: Perspectives of South African Drug Discovery Scientists” African Studies Association, Indianapolis, IN, November 2014. “To be the Objects and Subjects of Pharmaceutical Knowledge-Making” Feminist Postcolonial STS Workshop, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 2014. “Flow Chemistry and the Temporalities of South African Pharmaceutical Production” Society for Social Studies of Science, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2014. “Creating Capacity for Pharmaceutical Knowledge Production in South Africa: Local Contexts and Global Networks,” Making Scientific Capacity in Africa, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, June 2014. “Racialized Medicine in the Late Era of the Randomized Control Trial: Constraints on Personalization,” Individualized medicine in historical perspective: from antiquity to the genome age, Johns Hopkins University, May 2014. “Flow Chemistry and the Temporalities of South African Pharmaceutical Production,” Infrastructures of Exposure, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, March 2014. “BiDil’s Compensation Relations, ” American Studies Association, Washington, DC, November 2013. “Postcolonial Pharmaceutical Knowledge-Making Beyond Traditional Knowledge and Natural Resources,” Society for Social Studies of Science, San Diego, CA, October 2013. “Queering Endocrine Disruption,” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, South Bend, IN, October 2013. “Places of Knowledge Production: Postcolonial contexts and global networks of South African drug discovery,” Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology Roundtable, American Sociological Association, New York, NY, August 2013. “On the Suspended Sentences of the Scott Sisters: Mass Incarceration, Kidney Donation, and the Biopolitics of Race in the U.S.,” Medicine on the Edge Conference (Sponsored by the National Science Foundation), Santa Cruz, CA, May 2013. “How does it matter who makes knowledge and where?: Postcolonial Contexts and Global Networks of South African Drug Discovery,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012. “Pharmaceutical Feminism,” Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Milwaukee, WI, 2012. “Places of Intellectual Property: Global Health, Postcolonial Science, and South African Drug Discovery,” The Lives of Property Conference, Institute for Science, Innovation, and Society, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 2012. “Contours of American Biological Citizenship in a Prison Sentence Suspended for a Kidney” Society for Social Studies of Science, Cleveland, OH, 2011. “Contesting Black Exclusion from a Disease of Modernity” Making Sense of Illness, Health, and Disease: Chronic Disease, Oxford, UK, 2011. “Heart Feminism” Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Indianapolis, IN, 2010. “Toward Situating South African Drug Discovery: Preliminary Comments on iThemba Pharmaceuticals” Society for Social Studies of Science, Tokyo, Japan, 2010. “Transforming the Critique of Pharmaceuticals Amid Economic Crisis and the Pharmaceuticalization of Philanthropy” Society for Social Studies of Science, Washington, DC, 2009. “BiDil Biopolitics: The Appeal and Unpalatibility of Medicating Race” Vital Politics III, London, UK, 2009. “Constructing and Supplementing Framingham’s Normal White Americans” Society for Social Studies of Science, Montreal, QC, 2007. “(Dis)heartening Women’s Health: Emerging Articulations of Women’s Heart Disease” Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies Conference, Cambridge, MA, 2006. “Racialized Rx Without the ®TM: Tracking the Commodity Fetishisms of Generic Thiazide” MIT Conference on Race, Pharmaceuticals, and Medical Technology, 2006. “Racialization of a Generic Drug: The Commodity Fetishism of Thiazide” Society for Social Studies of Science, Pasadena, CA, 2005. “Racing Pharmaceutical Logics of African American Heart Disease” Society for Social Studies of Science, Paris, France, 2004. “Technology to the Heart: Experiences of Internal Cardioverter Defibrillators” Evocative Objects Symposium, MIT Initiative on Technology and Self, 2004. “Technologies of the Heart: Experience and Internal Defibrillators” Society for Social Studies of Science, Atlanta, GA, 2003. “D.C.’s Black Postal Workers and Anthrax: Multiple Failures of Health Care,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Milwaukee, WI, 2002. Fellowships and GrantsLeverhulme Trust, Visiting Professorship: Camara Jones, 2022-2023 (£121,000)
Wellcome Trust Small Grant in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019-2020. "Race and Biomedicine Beyond the Lab: 21st Century Mobilizations." American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, 2019. "Race and Biopolitics in the 21st Century: Proposal for Completion of a Book." National Science Foundation, 2017-2018. NSF Program for Science, Technology and Society and NSF Program for Engineering Education and Centers, Workshop Grant, with Co-PIs Chloé Arson, Jennifer Hasler, and Manu Platt: “LGBT Inclusion in Engineering.” Dean’s Small Grants for Research, 2017. Ivan Allen College, Georgia Tech. GVU/IPaT, 2016-2017. Georgia Tech GVU and Institute for People and Technology Research Grant, with Co-PIs Lewis Wheaton and Nassim JafariNaimi: “(T)racing Eyes and Hearts: An Installation to Explore the Physiology of Empathy.” GT-FIRE, 2015-2017. Georgia Tech Funding Innovation in Research and Education Mini Grant, with Co-PIs Manu Platt and Lewis Wheaton: “Race and Racism in Contemporary Biomedicine.” National Science Foundation, 2013-2015. NSF Program for Science, Technology and Society Standard Research Grant: “Making Scientists for a Democratic South Africa.” International Travel Grant, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. Georgia Tech Foundation. Dean’s Small Grants for Research, 2011. Ivan Allen College, Georgia Tech. Summer Support, 2010. Ivan Allen College Incentives for Seeking Extramural Research Funding (ISERF), Georgia Tech. Doctoral Fellow, 2005-2007. Center for the Study of Diversity in Science, Technology, and Medicine, MIT. Human Rights Internship, 2003. MIT Program in Human Rights and Justice. Internship at Vacha (Voice for Women), Mumbai, India. Web and other writing for health advocacy for preadolescent girls.
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