![]() BA, Brandeis
PhD, MIT I am a Professor in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at King's College London. I am also highly engaged with my international academic communities beyond King's, for example as Honorary Professor at the Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies at the University of Sydney, as an editor at the journal BioSocieties (under the senior editorial leadership of Profs Nikolas Rose, Hannah Landecker, and Catherine Waldby), and especially as President of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). My research explores feminist, antiracist, and postcolonial engagements with science, technology, and medicine. I am the author of three books:
Broadly, I am engaged in ongoing research in three intersecting areas: racism and health, feminist theory and biomedicine, and social studies of pharmaceuticals. Each of these areas has active collaborative projects: a collaboration with Nadine Ehlers, Anthony Ryan Hatch, and Amade Aouatef M'charek on race and the biohumanities; a collaboration with Nina Wakeford on heart feminism, art, and feminist STS at the Science Gallery London; and a collaboration with Lauren Paremoer on the Africa CDC's endeavours to foster pharmaceutical and R&D and manufacture.
Recent PublicationsThe Racial Cage. With Nadine Ehlers, Anthony Ryan Hatch, and Amade Aouatef M'charek. University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming 2025. "Angiotensin," in Hormonal Theory: A Rebellious Glossary. Edited by Andrea Ford , Roslyn Malcolm, Sonja Erikainen , Lisa Raeder, Celia Roberts. London: Bloomsbury. 2024. "Drug", in Keywords for Health Humanities, Edited by Sari Altschuler, Jonathan M. Metzl and Priscilla Wald. New York: NYU Press, 2023. "'A passion to change the landscape and drive a renaissance': The mRNA Hub at Afrigen as Decolonial Aspiration," co-authored with Lauren Paremoer, Frontiers in Public Health 28 November 2022, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1065993. "Race and Biomedicine Beyond the Lab: 21st Century Mobilisations of Genetics—Introduction to the Special Issue," co-authored with Amade M'charek, Nadine Ehlers, Melissa Creary, and Vivette Garcia-Deister, BioSocieties 16.4 (December 2021): 433-446. "Bleak Biopolitics and Abolitionist Aspirations: Recent Books on Race," Books Forum co-authored with Vivette-Garcia-Deister, BioSocieties 16.4 (December 2021): 574-581. Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2021. See CV for full list of publications. Please feel free to email me to request PDFs of articles or chapters. |